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The current Chips in your wallet are represented by the number next to the red chips icon in the top left of the screen.

Casino Points

The current Casino Points in your wallet are represented by the number next to the yellow star icon in the top left of the screen.


Your current level is displayed in the top left of the screen, with the blue bar coming out of it being your current experience progression for the next level. You can mouse over your level to see how much experience you have and how much total is needed to reach the next level. Clicking your level will also bring up your personal profile, which gives you further stats.


  • Global - Press the “G” key to open/close the global chat. Messages posted here will be broadcast to all connected players in the game.
  • Quick - Quick chat is used by pressing the “Q” button. This is simply global chat without the chat window.
  • Local - Pressing “S” lets you say things to nearby players. Your message will appear as a speech bubble over your head and will fade away after 20-30 seconds.
  • Crew - Global chat has a crew tab that lets you chat with other crew members. You can chat with your crew from quick chat by typing “/c MESSAGE” without the quotes.
  • Whisper - You can whisper to other players through global chat by typing “/w USERNAME MESSAGE” without the quotes. Only that player will see the message, and it will show in purple. You can also reply by typing “/r MESSAGE.”


While outside, you will see a square map in the top right of the screen. This map displays all player-owned casinos (with star rating), non-player buildings, taxis and other online players in real-time. Click on the map to get a 4x version, allowing you to scan around the map and see the names of zones. You can also open the waypoint manager and add new favorites that you can easily travel to late from a taxi.


Whenever you have an active mission, its name will show in the top right of the screen along with a progress bar. You can click on the mission name to see more details, and the progress bar will fill as you get closer to completing the mission.

Quick Menu

The quick menu is located right under your level in the top left of the screen. Click on it to reveal options such as full screen toggle, access to your condo and more.